CTC Correspondence and Email

All correspondence from CTC to the student will be mailed or sent electronically to the student. For correspondence that is mailed, the last known address on the student’s official CTC record will be used. All correspondence sent electronically will be sent to the student’s email address on the CTC Admission Application until such time the CTC student email address “CTC EagleMail” is generated. Once the CTC EagleMail is created, all CTC correspondence sent electronically will be sent to the student’s CTC EagleMail account. All students are expected to check their CTC EagleMail frequently and should use this email for official correspondence with CTC. The method of communication will depend on the nature of the message. CTC will exercise the right to send email communications to all students. Undeliverable messages returned because of either a full in-box or use of a spam filter will be considered delivered without further action required of CTC.