Students Age 17 or Younger
All students age 17 or younger must complete and return a Parental Consent, Waiver, Release and Indemnity for Minor Students Form and the Important Information for Minor Students and Parents/Legal Guardians, which are available in the Admissions Office at Central Texas College.
a. Students age 16 or younger (see noted exception below) must have a parent or legal guardian at the CTC campus, center, or facility at all times to monitor the student’s activities outside of class and to be immediately available in case of an emergency. This includes when student is present either in classes or participating in CTCD activities on or off campus. Failure to do so will cause the student to be removed from each enrolled class. Parents/legal guardians are not allowed to attend student’s classes unless parent/legal guardian is enrolled in the same classes.
b. Noted Exception: Students age 16 or younger on campus participating in an independent school district activity such as Early College High School or designated CTC sponsored initiatives (e.g. College of Kids) are exempt from the policy stated above.