Readmission Policy

  • Student must submit a written request for readmission to the program. Refer to the MLT Student Handbook.
  • Readmission to any MLT course is dependent upon availability of class openings after current class enrollment, but it is not automatic.
  • Student who does not successfully complete any MLT or science course or withdraws from a MLT course with a failing average may apply once for readmission to the program.
  • For readmission to the clinical courses of the program, the student must be in good academic standing, receive approval from the MLT program director and repeat the clinical admission process.
  • Upon readmission to the clinical course, the following documents must be on file in the MLT program prior to the first day of the course.

    - Proof of physical exam signed by a M.D. or D.O. within the last six months.

    - Copy of current immunizations.

    - Current CPR certification on file.

    - Results of current TB Tine (skin) test or chest x-ray.

    - Results of Criminal Background Check and Urine Drug Screen submitted prior to entering the clinical course(s).