Central Texas College Course Catalog 2022-2023
Central Texas College Course Catalog 2022-2023 / Admissions and Registration / Departmental Admissions Requirements / Paramedic Program / Readmission Policy for EMT and Paramedic Students
- Failure of two EMSP courses will result in ineligibility for readmission.
- If a student has been readmitted following an EMSP course failure and subsequently withdraws from an EMSP course because of extenuating circumstances, the student may be readmitted if in a passing status at time of withdrawal.
- The procedure for readmission follows the department policy.
- Student name.
- EMSP course name(s) and the course synonym number(s) to which seeking readmission.
- Reason(s) for lack of success/progress in the course(s).
- Plan for success if readmitted (please be specific).
- Semester and year seeking readmission.
- Student signature and date.