Readmission Policy for EMT and Paramedic Students

  • A student may be re-admitted to an EMS course ONCE following a failure due to poor academic performance or withdrawal from an EMS course. Students will NOT be readmitted to the EMT or Paramedic program if he/she has been removed from class or clinical rotations due to unprofessional behavior, academic dishonesty or patient endangerment. This applies to the following EMSP courses: EMSP 1401, 1160, 1338, 1355, 1356, 2206, 2444, 2434, 2262, 2330, 2143, 2263, 2305 and 2164.

    - Failure of two EMSP courses will result in ineligibility for readmission.

    - If a student has been readmitted following an EMSP course failure and subsequently withdraws from an EMSP course because of extenuating circumstances, the student may be readmitted if in a passing status at time of withdrawal.

    - The procedure for readmission follows the department policy.

  • No longer than twelve (12) months may elapse between completion of an EMS course and enrollment in the subsequent course.
  • Consideration for course readmission:
    1. Written notification at least one month in advance to the EMS Program Director that the student desires to reenter the EMS program should include:

      - Student name.

      - EMSP course name(s) and the course synonym number(s) to which seeking readmission.

      - Reason(s) for lack of success/progress in the course(s).

      - Plan for success if readmitted (please be specific).

      - Semester and year seeking readmission.

      - Student signature and date.

    2. The recommendation of the EMSP Admission and Standards Committee. A student interview may be required.
    3. A minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5.
  • Re-admission decision will be determined by the EMS Admissions and Standards committee.
  • Re-admission written assessment and practical skill assessment will be conducted to determine entry point.
  • After an applicant has been accepted for readmission, the student will follow general Department of Health Sciences policies found in the Paramedic Student Handbook.
  • If the course that requires re-admission is a co-requisite with other courses in that semester, the student may be required to re-admit in all courses for that semester.
  • Students must complete the Paramedic Program within two years of first time enrollment in EMSP 1355 or its equivalent.