TSI Assessment Minimum Scores
The new TSIA2 replaced the TSIA effective January 11, 2021. Test scores from the TSIA remain valid for five (5) years from date of testing. For students retesting, scores from the TSIA and TSIA2 may be combined. Please contact the TSI Coordinator/Advisor or an academic advisor for more information on combining of test scores. TSIA2 and TSIA Assessment scores are valid for five (5) years from date of testing.
TSI Assessment 2.0 Minimum Scores effective January 11, 2021
Mathematics - score of at least 950; or a score below 950 and a Diagnostic level of 6.
ELAR (Reading and Writing) - score of at least 945 and an essay score of at least 5; or score below 945 and a Diagnostic level of 5 or 6 and an essay score of at least 5.
TSI Assessment before January 11, 2021
Writing - placement score of at least 340, and an essay score of at least 4; or a placement score of less than 340 and an ABE Diagnostic level of at least 4 and an essay score of at least 5.
Reading - placement score of at least 351.
Mathematics - placement score of 350.
(Effective first day of Fall 2017, the minimum writing score was changed.)
Special Note: Due to Coronavirus Pandemic the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board authorized a COVID-19 waiver for TSI non-exempt students effective Summer 2020 through Summer 2022. During this time students who successfully completed one or more of the authorized options could meet TSI requirements without TSIA or TSIA 2.0 testing. TSI non-exempt students are no longer eligible for the COVID-19 waiver and the authorized options starting with the academic year 2022-2023.
What makes a student TSI Complete?
A student will be considered TSI Complete once the student accomplishes one of the following:
- Meets the TSIA2 (or TSIA) Assessment minimum passing standards.
- Successfully completes the highest level of the developmental sequence. If a student completes the highest level developmental math, student is MATH TSI Complete. If a student completes the second level developmental math sequence, student is MATH TSI Complete Non-Algebraically. Note: Students who are Math TSI Complete Non-Algebraically and wish to enroll in an algebra intensive course must complete the highest level developmental education coursework/interventions before enrolling in an algebra-intensive course or retest on the TSI and meet the minimum passing score on the TSI test.
- Completes a designated college credit bearing course with a grade of C or higher.
What is required of Students Who Do Not meet the Required Scores on the Official TSI?
Students are required to begin the developmental course sequence during their first semester of enrollment and remain continuously enrolled in at least one developmental course each semester until TSI Complete in all three subject areas. Students who drop their development course(s) during the term may be dropped from all courses at CTC. High school students are not eligible to take developmental study courses.