Spouse and Dependents who Previously Lived in Texas

A spouse and/or dependent child of a nonresident member of the U.S. Armed Forces, or Commissioned Officer of the Public Health Service who previously resided in Texas for at least six months may establish residency for tuition purposes if the member or commissioned officer, at least 12 months prior to the census date of the family member’s enrollment:

  1. Filed proper documentation with the military or Public Health Service to change his or her permanent residence to Texas and designated Texas as his or her place of legal residence for income tax purposes; and
  2. Registered to vote in Texas; and
  3. Satisfied one of the three requirements for the 12 months prior to the first day of the relevant term:
    • ownership of real estate in Texas with no delinquent property taxes;
    • registration of an automobile in Texas; or
    • execution of a currently-valid will deposited with a county clerk in Texas that indicates he or she is a resident of Texas.