About the College

Mission, Vision, Values and Institutional Purpose


Central Texas College provides accessible, equitable and quality educational opportunities that promote student success, completion and employability.


Central Texas College’s vision is to be a leader in providing innovative academic, technical, continuing, and adult education to our diverse worldwide community to meet student and workforce needs.


Central Texas College, in meeting the educational goals and needs of students, is committed to:

  • Belief in the worth and dignity of the individual
  • Inclusive learning and work environments
  • Excellence in all aspects of operations
  • Highest standards of ethical professional practice
  • Accountability and responsibility in the stewardship of public trust and resources

Institutional Purpose

Central Texas College is a two-year, open admissions institution that provides accessible educational opportunities to diverse student populations locally and worldwide. The purpose of CTC is synonymous with its mission and, in accordance with Section 130 of the Texas Education Code, provides the following programs and public education services:

  • technical programs up to two years in length leading to associate degrees and/or certificates,
  • vocational programs leading directly to employment in semi-skilled and skilled operations;
  • freshman and sophomore level courses in arts and sciences;
  • continuing adult education programs for occupational upgrading or cultural enrichment;
  • compensatory education programs designed to fulfill the commitment of an admissions policy allowing the enrollment of disadvantaged students;
  • a continuing program of counseling and guidance designed to assist students in achieving their individual educational goals;
  • workforce development programs designed to meet local and statewide needs;
  • adult literacy and other basic skills programs for adults; and
  • such other purposes as may be prescribed by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board or local governing boards in the best interest of postsecondary education in Texas.

Strategic Planning

Central Texas College has established a Strategic Planning Task Force that has the responsibilities to revise a strategic plan and periodically review the institution’s mission and purpose statements. The committee has developed a vision statement and has established broad goals that center on instruction, research, public service and institutional support and ancillary operations. Specific objectives that are measurable have been developed for all institutional goals. The committee has been assigned the responsibility to annually assess the institution’s progress on meeting the goals and objectives. Results of the assessment are used to develop strategies to be implemented by the departments and units. During the annual budget process, resources are identified and committed in order to implement the strategies. CTC's Strategic Plan is available online and copies of the current Strategic Planning documents are available in the Office of Institutional Accountability and Curriculum Support.

Strategic Plan

2024-2028 CTC Strategic Plan