Chancellor's Message


On behalf of Central Texas College’s faculty and staff, I am proud to share our 2022-2023 college catalog. Our catalog is a resource with unlimited opportunities to explore and engage you in high-quality academic and workforce instruction via on campus, sites nationwide, and global locations. We accommodate instruction for civilian, military, adult and high school populations. For those returning students and those who are new, you will find many improvements to the campus and additions to our curriculum offerings.
I hope this year will find you excited about the many opportunities Central Texas College affords you. Let Central Texas College prepare you for your next career step, whether that means you enter the workforce in your chosen field or you continue your studies at the undergraduate level preparing you for transition to a four-year institution or a plethora of certifications leading toward a degree in career and technical education. Remember our small class sizes allow you and your professors to discuss issues and class assignments.
This catalogue is designed to assist you in navigating the process of earning your degree and/or certifications. It can serve as a roadmap to guide you towards the first day of classes and ultimately the processional march at graduation. If you have any questions, please contact your professor or advisor, we are here to serve you and make your time with us successful and meaningful.
Thank you for choosing Central Texas College as your destination college to complete your education and career aspirations. We are here to serve you and meet your individual needs and expectations.

Thank you,

Jim Yeonopolus
