Readmission of Member of the United States Armed Forces

Based on Texas Education Code, Section 51.9242 a Servicemember in the United States Armed Forces or the Texas National Guard who withdraws from CTC to perform active military service  may be readmitted to CTC under the same academic status as held while last attending CTC or accepted for admission if the student was not able to attend CTC. This section does not apply to a student who withdraws from an institution solely to perform one or more training exercises as a member of the Texas National Guard. The Servicemember may be readmitted under the same status for any academic term that begins after the student is released from active military service but not later than the first anniversary of that date from which the student withdrew. The Servicemember is not required to reapply for admission if the student is otherwise eligible to register for classes at CTC. CTC may require reasonable proof of such from the student and length of student’s active military service. Contact the Associate Dean, Admissions, Registration and Records at

In accordance with federal regulations ED (34 C.F.R. 668.8) and the Department of Defense Voluntary Education Partnership, CTC will readmit Servicemembers who request readmission whose education was interrupted due to a uniformed service obligation. Provisions apply to Servicemembers who were unable to attend for more than 30 consecutive days, and Servicemembers who are unable to attend classes for less than 30 days when such absence resulted in a withdrawal from the college. Refer to the Academic Policies and Guidelines section of the catalog for more information. Primary point of contact is the Associate Dean, Admissions, Registration and Records (