Paramedicine--Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Associate Degree and Paramedic Certificate Programs

Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Admission Policy

Admission Policy (EMT)

Applicants for the program must follow the regular procedures for admission to Central Texas College. In addition, complete all Department of Health Sciences general program admission requirements, which include: CPR, proof of immunizations, physical examination, drug screen, criminal background check, and TSI completions; see Policy, Standard, and Timing for Drug Screening and Background Checks and Mandatory Immunizations. All students applying to the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Certificate or Associate Degree Program must also meet the following additions:

  • Proof of High School graduation or GED high school equivalent certificate.
  • Copies of transcripts from prior colleges or universities attended.
  • Proof of physical exam completed within 90 days signed by an MD, DO, PA, or NP. The DHS physical form is required and can be obtained from the EMS Program Clerk.
  • Tuberculosis Documentation of negative screening results for tuberculosis (TB) is required and will be completed once enrolled in an EMS program.
  • Neither the college nor hospitals provide medical coverage or worker’s compensation for illness or injury or emergency illness or injury.
  • Active-duty military members' admission policies differ from standard EMS admission policies. Contact the EMS Program Director for details.

Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Progression Requirements

Progression Requirements (EMT)

In order to progress in the EMT program, the following must be met:

  • Achieve a grade of “C” or better in EMSP-1401 and EMSP-1160.
  • Achieve a minimum 70 percent course average.
  • Maintain current CPR course completion - American Heart Association - Basic Life Support (BLS) Certification or American Red Cross – CPR for Healthcare Providers.
  • Provide documentation of medical release to the Department of Health Sciences after mental or physical condition, illness, injury, surgery, etc., that would result in a change of the physical limitations status and provide written documentation of medical release to return to class/clinical. Failure to inform the program may result in immediate withdrawal from the course or program.
  • Tuberculosis Documentation of negative screening results for tuberculosis (TB) is required. Students must complete one of the following TB tests no more than 90 days prior to the first clinical start date: 2-Step Tuberculin Skin Test; QuantiFERON® -TB Gold In-Tube test (QFT-GIT or Q-Gold) or T-SPOT®TB test (T-Spot). Thereafter a 2-Step Tuberculin Skin Test; QuantiFERON®-TB Gold In-Tube test (QFT-GIT or Q-Gold) or T-Spot®TB test (T-Spot) is required annually. Those who have had a previous positive TB skin test result will be required to submit a negative chest x-ray completed no more than 90-days prior to the first clinical start date. Thereafter an annual negative chest x-ray will be required through program completion.
  • Maintain a negative drug screen and criminal background check.
  • Conduct and performance in the classroom and affiliated clinical facilities is according to CTC policy, the EMS Program policies and the Texas Department of State Health Services. Failure to perform to these standards may result in disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, dismissal from the program.

Paramedic Program Admission Policy

Admission Policy (Paramedic)

Applicants for the Paramedic program must follow the regular procedures for admission to Central Texas College. In addition, the applicant must complete all Department of Health Sciences standard program admission requirements, which include: CPR, proof of immunizations, Drug Screening, Criminal Background Check, and TSI completion; see Policy, Standard, and Timing for Drug Screening and Background Checks and Mandatory Immunizations. All students applying to the Paramedic Program must also meet the following additions:

  • Proof of high school graduation or GED high school equivalent certificate.
  • Copies of transcripts from prior colleges or universities attended.
  • An overall 2.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale in all college work, including transfer courses and CTC coursework that will be applied on the EMT degree plan.
  • Proof of physical exam completed within 90 days signed by an MD, DO, PA, or NP. The DHS physical form is required and can be obtained from the EMS Program Clerk.
  • Tuberculosis Documentation of negative screening results for tuberculosis (TB) is required and will be completed once enrolled in an EMS program.
  • All transfer courses accepted in the Paramedic curriculum must be a “C” or above. The final transfer decision rests with the Emergency Medical Technology Admissions and Standards Committee.
  • .Copy of Texas and/or National Registry Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Certificate.
Neither the College nor nursing homes provide medical coverage or worker’s compensation for emergency illness or injury. Medical coverage is the student’s responsibility.

Paramedic Program Progression Requirements

Progression Requirements (Paramedic)

In order to progress in the Paramedic program, the following requirements must be met:

  • Achieve a grade of “C” or better in all courses.
  • Achieve a minimum 70 percent course average.
  • Successfully complete prerequisites to each EMSP course.
  • Successfully complete all co-requisites prior to or concurrently with EMSP courses.
  • Successfully complete all courses in each semester of the curriculum before progressing to the next semester courses.
  • Maintain current CPR course completion.
  • Tuberculosis Documentation of negative screening results for tuberculosis (TB) is required. Students must complete one of the following TB tests no more than 90 days prior to the first clinical start date: 2-Step Tuberculin Skin Test; QuantiFERON® -TB Gold In-Tube test (QFT-GIT or Q-Gold) or T-SPOT®TB test (T-Spot). Thereafter a 2-Step Tuberculin Skin Test; QuantiFERON®-TB Gold In-Tube test (QFT-GIT or Q-Gold) or T-Spot®TB test (T-Spot) is required annually. Those who have had a previous positive TB skin test result will be required to submit a negative chest x-ray completed no more than 90-days prior to the first clinical start date. Thereafter an annual negative chest x-ray will be required through program completion.
  • Provide documentation of medical release to the Department of Health Sciences after mental or physical condition, illness, injury, surgery, etc., that would result in a change of the physical limitations status and provide written documentation of medical release to return to class/clinical. Failure to inform the program may result in immediate withdrawal from the course or program.
  • Maintain a negative drug screen and criminal background check..
  • Complete all standardized assessment and Exit Competency exams with scores as required per the course syllabi.
  • Complete the paramedic program within two years of first enrollment in EMSP 1355 or its equivalent.
  • Conduct and performance in the classroom and affiliated clinical facilities is according to CTC policy, the EMS Program.

Readmission Policy for EMT and Paramedic Students

Readmission Policy for EMT and Paramedic Students

  • A student may be re-admitted to an EMS course ONCE following a failure due to poor academic performance or withdrawal from an EMS course. Students will NOT be readmitted to the EMT or Paramedic program if he/she has been removed from class or clinical rotations due to unprofessional behavior, academic dishonesty or patient endangerment. This applies to the following EMSP courses: EMSP-1401, EMSP-1160, EMSP-1338, EMSP-1355, EMSP-1356, EMSP-2206, EMSP-2444, EMSP-2434, EMSP-2262, EMSP-2330, EMSP-2143, EMSP-2263, EMSP-2305 and EMSP-2164.

     - If a student has been readmitted following an EMSP course failure and subsequently withdraws from an EMSP course because of extenuating circumstances, the student may be readmitted if in a passing status at time of withdrawal.

    - The procedure for readmission follows the department policy.

  • No longer than twelve (12) months may elapse between completion of an EMS course and enrollment in the subsequent course.

Consideration for course readmission:

  • A student may be readmitted to an EMS course ONCE following a failure due to poor academic performance or withdrawal from an EMS course. Students will NOT be readmitted to the EMT or Paramedic program if he/ she has been removed from class or clinical rotations due to unprofessional behavior, academic dishonesty, or patient endangerment. This applies to the following EMSP courses: EMSP-1401, EMSP-1160, EMSP-1355, EMSP-1356, EMSP-2444, EMSP-2434, EMSP-2262, EMSP-2330, EMSP-2143, EMSP-2263, EMSP-2305 and EMSP-2164.
  • If the course that requires readmission is a co-requisite with other courses in that semester, the student may be required to readmit in all courses for that semester
  • Students must complete the Paramedic Program within two years of first-time enrollment in EMSP 1355 or its equivalent.
  • A student interview may be required at the recommendation of the program director or the admission and standards committee.
  • After an applicant has been accepted for readmission, the student will follow general Department of Health Sciences policies found in the Paramedic Student Handbook.
  • If a student has been readmitted following an EMSP course failure and subsequently withdraws from an EMSP course because of extenuating circumstances, the student may be readmitted if in a passing status at the time of withdrawal.
  • No longer than twelve (12) months may elapse between completion of an EMS course and enrollment in the subsequent course.
  • The procedure for readmission follows the department's policy.

Unsuccessful in One Course:

  • Written notification at least one month in advance to the EMS Program Director that the student desires to reenter the EMS program. Contact the Program Director or Clerk for the Readmission Request Form.
  • A student interview may be required at the recommendation of the program director or the admission and standards committee.
  • Any student unsuccessful in one course can be readmitted by the Program Director.

Unsuccessful in Multiple Courses:

  • Written notification at least two months in advance to the EMS Program Director that the student desires to reenter the EMS program. Contact the Program Director or Clerk for the Readmission Request Form.
  • The Program Director will forward the written request to the EMS Admissions and Standards Committee.  The A&S Committee reviews requests monthly, on the last Thursday of each month.
  • The readmission decision will be determined by the EMS Admissions and Standards Committee.
  • A student interview shall be required with the EMS Admission and Standards Committee.
  • Readmission written assessment and practical skill assessment may be maybe required.

Unsuccessful Subsequent Attempt: