Students-Parking Permit Required

All students (full or part-time) attending Central Texas

College, including continuing education and distance education students who test on campus, who operate a motor vehicle on either the Central Texas College Central Campus and/or the Fort Cavazos location, regularly or occasionally, and all CTC faculty and staff members are required to obtain a parking permit for each vehicle they may drive and park on campus, including motorcycles. Parking permits are available anytime during normal business hours and can be obtained at the CTC Police Department Building 211, directly behind the Enrollment Center Building 209. Motorcycles are also required to display a parking permit and park in accordance with current campus parking rules and regulations. Specific parking spaces for motorcycles are limited and available on the west side of the Anderson Campus Center, parking lot E, Building 224; as well as in parking lot D in front of Building 253E.


Students and staff may park in any parking lot across the CTC central campus; however, some individual spaces are restricted. parking spaces marked “Reserved,” “Official Use Only,” “Adjunct Faculty,” or special reserved spaces for an individual or activity are restricted from use by students during normal business hours. From 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. daily, and all day Saturday and Sunday, reserved parking spaces are available for use by anyone on a first-come, first-served basis. Parking spaces marked “Official Use Only” (OUO) are intended for CTC staff members only and require a CTC employee parking permit along with a special placard displayed on the dashboard of the vehicle at all times while parked in an OUO space. OUO spaces have a time limit for use of not more than two hours, are intended for business purposes only, and are not intended for employee use when taking breaks.


All CTC students, faculty and staff members, including Adjunct Faculty, are required to obtain a parking permit for any vehicle they drive and park on campus. Including those having a reserved parking space. State vehicle registration documents, current CTC ID card, and a valid driver’s license are required to register a vehicle to park on campus. Parking permits are issued at no charge; however, failing to display a CTC parking permit as required can result in a $25.00 fine.


CTC Students, Faculty and Staff should:

  1. Register all their vehicle(s) with the CTC Police Department (permits are free).
  2. Properly display and/or affix the parking permit to the vehicle as designed (stuck on back windshield, lower left corner).
  3. Become familiar with and abide by parking and traffic rules and regulations on campus.
  4. Report any temporarily disabled vehicle to the campus police office at 254-526-1427.
  5. Obtain a temporary parking permit when driving a new vehicle with temporary buyer license plates.

Display of  Parking Permit

Parking permits shall be placed on the outside lower-left corner of the vehicle’s rear window, clearly visible to the officer and not obstructed. Motorcycles shall display the parking permit either on the front fork, next to the license plate or windshield of the vehicle. Parking permits are not transferable from one vehicle to another.

Permits are available anytime during normal business hours (Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. and Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.) at the CTC Police Department Building 211, located behind the Enrollment Center Building 209.