Title IX
Central Texas College explicitly condemns discrimination based on sex or gender, sexual discrimination, sexual harassment (including sexual violence), stalking, sexual misconduct, sexual orientation discrimination, discrimination based on gender identity or expression or gender discrimination of students, faculty or staff. These behaviors are unlawful in accordance with federal and state law. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (as amended) and its implementing regulation at 34 C. F. R. Part 106, applies to any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance. Persons who are in violation may be subjugated to college sanctions as well as civil and criminal penalties. Any student or non-student who thinks he or she has been subjected to this form of discrimination is encouraged to immediately report the incident to:
Title IX Coordinator for Central Texas College
Larry D. Murphy
Director, Risk Management/Title IX Coordinator
lmurphy@ctcd.edu 254-501-3028