Emergency Actions

At any time warranted and after review of the situation and facts, the Dean of Student Success or Dean for Respective Campus may take immediate temporary action to protect the College or the public. This emergency action will take place in instances which involve apparent danger to the health or safety of the individual, students, staff, the community, the public, or which involve disruptions of normal College operations. These actions may include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Barring the student from the campus or any part of the campus.
  • Removing the student from a particular class or classes.
  • Prohibiting the student from participating in a College-sponsored activity, on or off campus.
  • Interim suspension pending completion of investigation, hearing, and/or appeals process.

Such emergency actions are temporary in nature and designed to handle an urgent situation and provide Central Texas College administration time to review the student’s conduct. Administrative review shall occur as soon as practicable and without unwarranted delay. Once such review has occurred, the student shall be given written notice of the action by the Dean of Student Success and Persistence and a statement of the reasons for any continued action designed to keep the student out of class or off campus.

The student may appeal the Dean’s decision to impose emergency action to the Deputy Chancellor of Academic and Student Services or his/her designee. The appeal will be limited to the emergency removal from the campus, classes, activities, and suspension.

If the Deputy Chancellor, or his/her designee determines that the facts do not warrant emergency action, he/she will notify the Dean of his/her decision, and the emergency action will be terminated. The Director of Student Life and the student will then follow the policy as defined above in section C. Disciplinary Procedures and Appeals.

When emergency action is taken, the Director of Student Life and all parties will take steps to expedite the procedures to provide the student with an opportunity for a hearing of the underlying disciplinary charge as soon as practicable.

Nothing in this Student Code of Conduct shall preclude a faculty or staff member from requesting a disruptive student to leave a class, activity, or location immediately as a one-time removal. If the student fails to comply with the request, the faculty or staff member may seek assistance from the Campus Police. A one-time removal from a class, activity, or location shall not be subject to appeal under this section on “Emergency Actions.”