FERPA, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act as amended, is a federal law that pertains to the release of and access to student education records. In compliance with FERPA, Central Texas College does not disclose personally identifiable information contained in student education records, except as authorized by law. One of the primary exceptions is that an institution may release personally identifiable information (PII), without the student’s consent, to school officials whom the institution has determined have a legitimate educational interest. FERPA rights apply to any student regardless of age.
Education records are all records that contain information directly related to a student and are maintained by an educational agency or institution, or by a party acting on its behalf. A record means any information recorded in any way, including handwriting, print, tape, film, microfilm, microfiche, and digital images. The Associate Dean, Admissions, Registration and Records is the custodian of all student educational records except those specifically related to financial aid, veterans educational benefits, and student disability support services.
Under FERPA, a student has a right to
- inspect and review his or her educational records;
- request to amend his or her educational records;
- have some control over the disclosure of information from his or her educational records.