Amount of Credit Earned by a Student in a Given Time Period

Every college course is assumed to involve a significant amount of time outside the classroom (non-contact hour time) for out-of-class student learning. Based on Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board requirements, and to encourage student success, institutions should not allow students to carry more courses in any term (regular or shortened semester), which would allow them to earn more than one semester credit hour per week over the course of the term. Courses delivered in shortened semesters are expected to have the same number of contact hours and the same requirements for out-of-class learning as courses taught in a normal semester.

CTC has declared its maximum student load as no more than 18 semester credit hours within a 16-week semester or 8 semester credit hours during a 5-week summer semester. Otherwise, a student must request an overload. Refer to the "Maximum Course Load" policy in this section of the catalog to request an exception to the maximum course load. 

Note: CTC’s Maximum Course Load policy was established based on the numerous four-semester credit hour courses required in certain programs of study, and students often enroll in a combination of three and four-semester credit hour courses.