Refunds of Tuition and Fees

No tuition or fee refunds will be made except in the case of cancellation or official withdrawal from Central Texas College or from a course. The college is under no obligation to refund tuition and fees, or other costs associated with a student who is administratively withdrawn. Refunds for tuition will be computed from the date the Application for Withdrawal is actually filed with the Records Office (not from the date of last attendance) or the adjusted date if “retroactively” dropped. Special conditions apply to financial aid and VA students. Students must submit a completed Application for Refund to the Business Office for a refund to be issued.

The tuition refund policy of Central Texas College for students using Title IV or DoD funds meets the requirements of federal agencies.

CTC Students Enrolled at a CTC Location Outside Texas

Although the following refund schedule is provided, actual refunds for tuition and fees are based upon the contract, agreement, or memorandum of understanding at the location for which the College operates. Some students in certain states such as Georgia and Virginia may be refunded in accordance with each individual state’s refund policy if the enrollment is not based upon an existing federal contract or agreement. Under Virginia state legislation, students are entitled to refund consideration regardless of the reason for withdrawal. For students attending locations outside Texas, obtain information about the refund policy from your local CTC representative or Education Officer.

  • Students who officially withdraw from the Institution shall have their tuition and mandatory fees refunded according to the following schedule:

    - A 100 percent refund is to be made for courses dropped before the first day of the term or semester.

    - During the fall or spring semester or comparable 16-week trimester:

    • During the first fifteen days, 75 percent.
    • During the sixteenth through twentieth days, 25 percent.
    • During the 21st - 48th days, 5 percent.
    • After the forty-eighth day, none.

    - Six-week summer semester:

    • During the first five days, 75 percent.
    • During the sixth and seventh days, 25 percent.
    • During the 8th - 18th day, 5 percent.
    • After the eighteenth day, none.
  • For flex-entry and non-semester-length courses with a census date other than the 12th class day (4th class day for a six-week summer semester):

    - Before the first day, 100 percent.

    - After the term or semester begins, see table.