“IP” - Incomplete, Course in Progress (for non-developmental courses)
An “IP” grade may be assigned by an instructor if a student has made satisfactory progress in a course with the exception of a major quiz, final exam, or other project. The “IP” grade may also be assigned for extenuating circumstances beyond a student’s control such as personal illness, death in the immediate family, military orders, or in the case of distance learning courses, institutional technology failures and mail delays. Notice of absences with supporting documentation may be required by the instructor. The instructor makes the final decision concerning the granting of the incomplete grade. The instructor may set a deadline for completing the remaining course requirements. In no case will the deadline exceed 110 days after the scheduled end of the course. The instructor may set a deadline date earlier than 110 days. An “IP” grade cannot be replaced by the grade of W or other non-punitive grade. If a student elects to repeat the course, the student must register, pay full tuition and fees, and repeat the entire course.
At the end of the 110 calendar days, any unresolved “IP” will be system-converted to an “Fl” and appear as an “F” on the student’s official transcript. Only in the most extenuating circumstances will extensions be granted beyond the 110 days. If an extension is granted beyond the 110 days, the system-generated “F” grade remains on the student’s official transcript until such time the student completes the remaining requirements. The reason for the extension must be initiated by the instructor through the instructor’s chain of command and Chancellor or designee of Central Texas College.
The IP grade is not used for developmental study courses and designated nontraditional, modular courses.
NOTE: For purposes of military deployments, Central Texas College complies with federal law Title 38 U.S Code, Section 3691A and applicable Texas State legislation. Refer to the “Withdrawal or Leave of Absence—Military Orders” section in the catalog.