Disciplinary Actions
Disciplinary Actions that could be imposed for misconduct include:
- Disciplinary Probation - An official notice that the student’s conduct is in violation of the Student Code of Conduct. Probation serves notice to the student that while his/her conduct not sufficiently serious to warrant suspension or expulsion, further misconduct could result in suspension or expulsion. The duration of the probation will be for a specific designated time, up through the student’s tenure at CTCD.
- Suspension - Exclusion from attending the College for a definite period of time, not to exceed twelve (12) months. Conditions may be imposed that the student is required to fulfill prior to or upon returning to the College. The conditions of readmission, if any, will be stated in the dismissal order.
- Expulsion - Termination of student status for an indefinite period of time. The conditions of readmission, if any, will be stated in the dismissal order.